Revenue Matters provides scalable revenue management for hire services for the hospitality industry.
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Revenue Matters gives the hospitality industry:
Increased Transparency
Inform management and key stakeholders on what strategic and tactical decisions and actions take place to drive optimal revenue performance.
Faster Trend Detection
Understand market segmentation pick-up and pace patterns. Compare year-over-year trends for future demand. Quickly understand shifts in competitors’ pricing strategies with daily details.
Enhanced Coordination
Eliminate the silos. Foster strategic communication and coordination between marketing, distribution, and operations. Use notations to develop marketing plans and promotions.
Forecasting & Budgeting
Prepare a room revenue budget in a flash. Powerful forecast and budget tools allow you to use property data to generate accurate daily forecasts at the sub-market segment level in minutes.
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End of Life Policy
All InnQuest Software products have a pre-determined commercial lifetime. In order to provide the highest quality products, meet security/PCI guidelines and support to our customers, each product is developed utilizing a product lifecycle methodology, which includes an End-of-Life (EOL) phase.
Once a product enters End of Life status, InnQuest Software will be unable to provide updates, fixes or service packs. Once a product enters End of Support status, InnQuest cannot provide any type of support or sell any add-on modules for that version of the software.
The current Maintenance and roomMaster products life cycle:
End of Support Date
End of Life Date
Version 17
Current Version
Current Version
Version 16
March 31, 2018
May 31, 2017
Version 15
January 31, 2016
December 31, 2015
Version 14
July 31, 2013
October 1, 2012
Version 13
July 31, 2012
October 1, 2011
Version 12
July 31, 2010
October 1, 2009
Version 11
December 31, 2009
December 31, 2008
Version 10 and prior
December 31, 2007
December 31, 2007
December 31, 2017
December 31, 2015
Upgrading/Updating to a newer version of roomMaster
Please note these important considerations before upgrading roomMaster:
Upgrades are going from one full version to another full version, such as from v16.56 to v17.00. Make sure you are eligible to upgrade. Contact your sales office if you have any questions about the eligibility.
Updates are within the same major version number, such as from v16.01 to v16.56. You can obtain updates by going to Help > Check for Updates. You will download all updates from within the roomMaster software.
Only upgrade/update during regular support hours, since emergency/off-hours support is not available for upgrade/update issues.
Check your current version by going to Help > About roomMaster.
Have all other users close roomMaster.
Perform a backup by selecting File > Backup Files.
Close any/all other InnQuest Software programs: EPI, iQ-Keylocks, iQ-WorldLink, iQ-Point of Sale.
Finally, restart all other InnQuest Software programs: EPI, iQ-Keylocks, iQ-WorldLink.
Installing / Upgrading
Installing roomMaster for the first time
Make sure you are installing during regular support hours, since emergency/off-hours support is not available for installation issues.
roomMaster can be run stand-alone or by multiple users on a network.
Follow the installation software’s prompts, selecting Next/Finish until the installation program is completed. If you’re running stand-alone, you’re finished! Otherwise, continue to the next step.
You need to share the roomMaster program directory with full access to all users.
Next, you need to create a roomMaster shortcut for each workstation.
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